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 日本国内の不動産全般 並びに、海外への不動産投資等のお考えの方向けにも、丁寧に真心をもってお客様のニーズに答えられるべく日々励んでまいりたいと考えておりますので、皆様のご用命心よりお待ちいたしております

We are going to give excellent services not only to the people who are interested in the investment in properties abroad as well as in buying or selling land or houses in Japan, but also to foreigners who live in Japan. We devote ourselves to meeting the needs of our clients, and are ready to comply with your request for properties. We are really looking forward to being at your service.

  Greetings and Notice

 Dear friends,

 About 40 years ago, when I was a junior high school student, I really liked English and I was determined to be a pilot. A pilot can fly around the world and is in a responsible position where they take passengers to their destinations safely, which made me admire the job.

 After growing up, I dedicated myself to the work of real estate for about 20 years, and I have had a lot of experiences in that field, which led me to make up my mind.

 When I was 45 years old, I hoped that someday I would be able to help the people who are interested in foreign countries, even if the category of business was different from that of my dream of becoming a pilot. Since then I have been studying English very hard and working hard for ten-odd years in order to save the funds for starting my real estate business.

 Thanks to my friend, I came to know a lawer in Malaysia, and have been on friendly and visiting terms with his family.

 If you are interested in living in foreign countries, or need a property for a short stay, we are ready to comply with your request.

                                                                        Sincerely yours,                                               Jabez real estate  Shigeki Okawa




E- mail jabezshigeki@ybb.ne.jp

